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Financing Codes


  • Found inside the property listing at HudHomeStore

    • Click on the property --> Listing Information --> FHA Financing


  • IE (Insured Escrow) = Insurable w/ repair escrow - the property is eligible for an FHA 203(b) loan w/ repair escrow. The repairs total less than $10,000.  The repair amount is escrowed and done after closing.  Repair escrow is financed w/ the mortgage; it is not included w/ the purchase price. The buyer is the one who is paying for the repairs. The escrow is not paid by HUD. 


  • IN = Insurable - this property is eligible for an FHA 203(b) insured loan in its current condition.  An FHA 203b loan is commonly, simply, referred to as an "FHA loan" or "FHA mortgage." People just don’t normally call them FHA 203b.  â€‹


  • UI = Uninsured - this property requires repairs estimated to cost more than $10,000; it is ineligible for an FHA-insured loan, unless a 203(k) loan can be arranged.​​​​

    • ​If there is a buried oil tank anywhere on the property, they will automatically be code

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   Someone's perfect pearl."


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